08 February 2006

Howard Dean's Legacy Under Fire


Friday October 24, 2003 at 07:02 AM


United States Court of Appeals For the Second Circuit, Manhattan, Oct. 20, 2003 Huminski v. Corsones, et al, 02-6201, 02-6150, 02-6199, 03-6059

After four years of litigation, my banishment from every state courthouse in Vermont for the “crime” of calling Dean’s judicial appointees “Butchers of the Constitution” came before a three judge panel of a federal appellate court in Manhattan.

Attorney for defendant Rutland County Sheriff’s Department, Pietro Lynn, stated to the Court that if asked to advise his clients on whether to enforce Dean’s judicial appointees’ lifetime banishment against a citizen, he would advise them to not enforce the notices of the two Dean appointees as they were unconstitutional.

Attorney General William Sorrell and his Vermont Attorney General’s Office proposed to the Court that there was no right of the public to view judicial proceedings. (i.e. secret courts further government interests) Before Sorrell’s assistant could finish uttering this bold unconstitutional view he was abruptly interrupted by one of the federal judges and quizzed if he was going to seriously continue this flagrant line of unconstitutional rhetoric before the court. Sorrell’s assistant, had no response and was tongue-tied for the short remainder of the time allotted for his argument. Embarrassed after being shut-down for pushing Sorrell’s unconstitutional policies, Sorrell’s assistant, tried to leave the courthouse without even shaking the hand of opposing counsel.

Howard Dean has praised his close friend, confidant and favorite appointee, William Sorrell, as the finest lawyer and person. Perhaps Dean needs to expand his list of cronies and friends to include those persons willing to obey the Constitution instead of those bent on subverting it. He desperately attempted to appoint Sorrell as the Chief Justice to the highest court in Vermont in 1997.


See the 4th paragraph in this link, Sorrell and Dean are as close as family http://www.gwu.edu/~action/2004/dean/dean062303/dean062303spt.html http://www.state.vt.us/atg/vtag.htm http://www.justiceforwoody.org/media/articles/html/casa1.htm http://www.gwu.edu/~action/2004/dean/dean0702/freyneint.html http://rutlandherald.nybor.com/News/Story/68525.html http://www.rutlandherald.com/News/Story/66910.html http://pittsburgh.indymedia.org/news/2003/09/8836.php

If Dean’s presidential bid is successful, its hard to imagine that he plans to leave this dangerous man, William Sorrell, behind in Vermont.

Finally, it was time to hear what Dean’s other appointees, his judges, had to say at the hearing. After being enjoined by the federal courts for 3 years on First Amendment grounds, Dean’s judges argued that they were judges and they could not be held accountable – i.e. Judicial Immunity. Vermont continues to suffer with the injustices resulting from Dean’s appointees and the continuation of Dean’s cronies holding power in Vermont. Does the rest of the country need to suffer as well?



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